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Overwatch 2 Lead Confirms Space Ranger

The Overwatch 2 community is abuzz with anticipation for the latest hero addition to the game, known as Space Ranger. The excitement has been building with hints and teases through concept art and subtle clues scattered across various game maps. Recently, Alec Dawson, Overwatch 2's lead gameplay designer, shed more light on what players can expect from this new hero.

Space Ranger is described as a high-mobility, versatile support character, promising to bring a unique playstyle that sets her apart from the current roster. Fans are eager to see how this new hero will integrate into the game dynamics and enhance the overall gameplay experience.

Overwatch 2 Space Ranger will be a Mobile Support Hero

The next hero in Overwatch 2, dubbed Space Ranger, is confirmed to bring high mobility and versatility to the Support role. According to recent statements, Space Ranger’s design focuses heavily on swift movements and providing unique utilities to the team. This hero’s playstyle is expected to be dynamic, adding a faster pace to the game.

Described as incorporating elements that only a few characters currently possess, Space Ranger may remind players of Lucio due to her agility. Her vertical navigation ability is another key feature, allowing her to stand out amongst other heroes. Players eagerly anticipate her release in Season 12, which is projected to begin on August 21, 2024, barring any delays.

Space Ranger’s design includes a distinctive space suit, signaling her Martian origins. This hero is sure to bring a fresh aesthetic and enhanced capabilities to Overwatch 2’s roster, adding depth to the Support category.

Winston buffs coming soon, according to OW2 lead

Lead Gameplay Designer Alec Dawson has confirmed that Winston will receive buffs in an upcoming Overwatch 2 update. The improvements are set to enhance Winston's ultimate ability and his long-range right-click attack. These changes aim to make Winston a more viable option in different gameplay situations. Dawson also mentioned considering an increase in Reinhardt's charge damage to 300, though this change is not yet finalized.

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