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How to Recalibrate Your MMR in Dota 2

Resetting your rank in Dota 2 is a straightforward process accessible through the game's settings. Players, whether beginners or seasoned veterans, often seek to improve their ranking, but recalibrating your Matchmaking Rating (MMR) requires careful consideration due to its implications.

Understanding how to navigate the recalibration process is essential. The process involves accessing the settings menu, selecting the account tab, and then hitting the “Activate recalibration” button. While the steps are simple, evaluating the potential outcomes before proceeding is crucial.

Reset your rank in Dota 2: Perks and downsides

Recalibrating your Dota 2 MMR offers a fresh start and can significantly affect your ranking. Each recalibration match can award between 70 to 90 MMR points for a win, in contrast to the usual 30-35 MMR from standard ranked matches. This means a successful recalibration can potentially boost your rank quickly.

However, recalibration is only available once per year. This limitation means you're committed to your new rank for an entire year. If you're aiming for a better rank, you'll need to either excel in your recalibration matches or steadily climb through normal ranked games afterwards.

One advantage is that recalibrating with a party is possible. Playing with friends can often lead to better coordination and higher chances of winning, making the recalibration process smoother. So, it’s recommended to team up with trusted friends during this crucial time.

Knowing the pros and cons of recalibrating your Dota 2 rank can help you make an informed decision.

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