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All XDefiant Game Modes

XDefiant offers a variety of game modes, each requiring distinct strategies and tactics to achieve victory. Players must constantly adjust their approaches based on the chosen game mode, making quick decisions to optimize both individual actions and team coordination.

The game modes within XDefiant can be classified into two main types: Arena and Linear. This classification influences the gameplay dynamics and strategic depth, rewarding players who adapt their character factions and classes to fit the shifting requirements of each match.

Arena Modes in XDefiant


In Domination, teams aim to control three specific zones on the map. Both teams have the identical objective of seizing and holding these strategic points. This mode places a strong emphasis on teamwork and strategic planning, as players must decide which zones to capture first and how to defend them effectively. The dynamic nature of the match requires teams to adapt their strategies on the fly, ensuring the gameplay remains intense and competitive.

Key Features of Domination:

  • Control three zones.
  • Emphasis on team strategy and coordination.
  • Dynamic adaptation required due to opponent actions.

Domination in XDefiant (Image via


Occupy follows a similar premise to Domination but with a notable twist. In this game mode, there is only a single target zone that appears in different parts of the map throughout the match. Teams must quickly adapt and reposition to control these rotating locations. The lack of predictability adds a layer of challenge, requiring players to remain mobile and flexible in their tactics.

Key Features of Occupy:

  • Control a single, rotating zone.
  • High emphasis on mobility and adaptability.
  • Unpredictable gameplay dynamics.

Occupy in XDefiant (Image via

Hot Shot

In Hot Shot, the focus shifts to collecting bounties dropped by defeated opponents. Each bounty collected grants a point to the team. The twist is that the player collecting the most bounties becomes a Hotshot, gaining enhanced movement and shooting speed but also becoming visible to all opponents on the map. The goal is to outscore the opposing team by capitalizing on the bounty multiplier provided by the Hotshot.

Key Features of Hot Shot:

  • Collect bounties for points.
  • Hotshot gains speed boosts and enhanced firepower.
  • Hotshot visibility increases risk and reward dynamics.

Hot Shot in XDefiant (Image via

Each arena mode in XDefiant brings unique challenges and demands different strategies, ensuring a varied and engaging gameplay experience.

Linear modes in XDefiant

Payload Escort

In XDefiant, the Payload Escort mode requires one team to safeguard a moving package as it proceeds along a predetermined path within a limited time frame. The package advances faster when multiple players stand near it. Conversely, the opposing team must prevent the package from reaching their spawn area by driving the defenders away. If the defenders manage to secure complete control over the area around the package, they can even push it backward. This mode demands strategic planning from both teams to control key pressure points.

Role Objective Strategy
Attackers Protect and advance the package Work together to stay near the package and repel opponents
Defenders Halt the package's progress Target the package area to push attackers away and regain territory

Escort in XDefiant

Area Control

In Area Control mode, players engage on a linear map featuring five zones that attackers aim to capture sequentially. Securing a zone is permanent, allowing attackers to focus on moving forward without the need to defend prior locations. The defenders, on the other hand, must strategically deploy their resources to halt the attackers‘ progress. This mode emphasizes continuous momentum for attackers and tactical resistance for defenders.

Role Objective Strategy
Attackers Capture zones Push forward aggressively, ensuring each zone is captured
Defenders Stop zone captures Concentrate defenses to impede attacker advancement

Flag Capture

The Flag Capture mode in XDefiant revolves around the classic rules of capturing the opponent's flag while defending one's own. Each team has a flag located at their base, and the goal is to seize the enemy flag and return it to their home base. This mode encourages a variety of compositions and roles within teams. Players need to balance between offensive roles, aimed at capturing the enemy flag, and defensive roles, focused on protecting their own.

Role Objective Strategy
Attackers Capture enemy flag Coordinate assaults to penetrate defenses and retrieve the flag
Defenders Guard friendly flag Establish strong defenses to protect the flag against enemy attacks

With these modes, XDefiant offers diverse gameplay experiences, requiring strategic depth and teamwork to prevail.

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