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XDefiant update y1s0.4 patch notes

The upcoming XDefiant Y1S0.4 update introduces several noteworthy enhancements and essential fixes aimed at optimizing the gaming experience. This update significantly impacts gameplay mechanics, netcode performance, and weapon dynamics, reflecting Ubisoft's commitment to refining their new FPS title.

With the June 12 update focusing on nerfs and balancing, the June 18 update builds on those changes by further tweaking gameplay elements, factions, and weapons. These updates collectively aim to streamline the player experience and address previous shortcomings within the game.

XDefiant Y1S0.4 Patch Notes

XDefiant Patch Y1S0.4 — Gameplay

The latest update eases the grind for weapon attachments. The experience points required to upgrade your primary weapon have been lowered from 3,500 to 3,000, and secondary weapons from 1,500 to 1,000. This change is retroactive, so existing weapon levels will see a boost. To maintain balance, Weapon Mastery level requirements have been raised, but existing skins remain unaffected.

XP Requirements:

  • Primary Weapon: 3,500 -> 3,000
  • Secondary Weapon: 1,500 -> 1,000

XDefiant Patch Y1S0.4 — Network Code

Improvements to network code address player frustrations with delayed damage reactions. Now, health will respond to damage more promptly, making firefights feel more immediate and fair.

XDefiant Patch Y1S0.4 — Armaments

Enhancements have been applied to the MDR weapon, bringing its recoil back to expected levels for players using the Firestorm skin. This refinement ensures more consistent performance.

Weapon Changes:

  • MDR: Recoil adjustments

XDefiant Patch Y1S0.4 — Groups

A previous issue caused players affected by Libertad’s Medico Supremo ability to remain standing after death. This update corrects the animation, ensuring affected players now fall properly.

Faction Fix:

  • Libertad: Medico Supremo death animation corrected

Additional Repairs

This update includes various other crash fixes to ensure a smoother gaming experience, minimizing disruptions and enhancing overall stability.

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