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Overwatch 2 Season 11 Tier List

With the arrival of Overwatch 2 Season 11, significant hero balancing changes have reshaped the competitive landscape. The recent patch has adjusted 11 heroes, adding new dynamics to the game and altering the effectiveness of certain characters. This season's tier list offers insights into which heroes are performing well and are recommended for players across various ranks.

Keeping the latest adjustments in mind, heroes such as D.Va, Lucio, and Pharah are currently in favorable positions within the meta. These heroes have benefited from the changes, making them strong picks for competitive play. Understanding these new dynamics can help players make informed decisions about which heroes to focus on in Season 11.

Best tanks in Overwatch 2 Season 11

In Season 11, D.Va stands out as the top tank, largely benefiting from reduced weapon spread and increased damage from her Boosters. These enhancements make her especially effective against less durable targets, a crucial factor given the current state of heroes like Cassidy and Sojourn.

Conversely, Roadhog has seen significant nerfs, placing him at the lower end of the rankings. This is in contrast to other tanks like Reinhardt and Zarya, who are also having a hard time due to the stronger presence of Junker Queen and Mauga in close-knit team compositions.

Sigma continues to be a formidable choice, thanks to his strong performance at range. Dive tanks such as WinstonWrecking Ball, and Doomfist also maintain their viability. Nonetheless, with D.Va's current strength, she remains the go-to pick for those looking to dominate in dive scenarios.

Lucio feels as strong as ever heading into Season 11 (Image via Blizzard Entertainment)

Best Supports in Overwatch 2 Season 11

In Season 11 of Overwatch 2, the support meta has shifted due to recent balancing changes. Kiriko has seen a decrease in viability after her nerf on June 20. Conversely, Illari received substantial improvements to her Healing Pylon, making her a solid support choice beyond specific situations. LucioMoira, and Lifeweaver continue to hold strong positions heading into the season.

Zenyatta and Ana are less favored owing to the lack of recent balancing attention, potentially struggling against top DPS and tank picks. Meanwhile, MercyBrigitte, and Baptiste can be effective but remain situational picks rather than guaranteed choices. The changes in support capabilities reflect a dynamic shift in the game's meta, where adaptability and strategy become even more critical.

Best DPS in Overwatch 2 Season 11

Season 11 introduces significant changes to the DPS meta. Cassidy and Sojourn have seen a decrease in dominance, paving the way for more agile heroes. Pharah rises as a top pick due to her mobility, while Mei proves valuable in deathball compositions. This strategic setup benefits Sombra and Tracer, especially when teamed with D.Va for dive strategies.

For players seeking counter picks, Soldier: 76 and Widowmaker are excellent choices against aerial threats, thanks to their hitscan capabilities. In situations requiring deathball tactics, Reaper and Symmetra have gained slight advantages, synergizing well with Junker Queen on select maps.

Here's a brief overview of the top DPS choices:

Hero Role Strengths
Pharah DPS High mobility and aerial superiority
Mei DPS Effective in deathball compositions
Sombra DPS Excels in dive comp with D.Va
Tracer DPS Versatile in various compositions
Reaper DPS Strong in close-range brawls
Symmetra DPS Synergizes with certain tanks
Soldier: 76 DPS Reliable hitscan for anti-air needs
Widowmaker DPS Lethal long-range hitscan

These updated hero dynamics provide varied and effective options for different team strategies. Adaptability and awareness of these changes are key to excelling in the current Overwatch 2 environment.

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