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Nekomata in Zenless Zone Zero ZZZ

Nekomata, also known as Nekomiya Mana, stands out as one of the top-tier characters in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ). Her S-rank status highlights her exceptional abilities, marked by boundless energy and a touch of mystery. Players have found her to be an intriguing and dynamic agent within the game.

Highly regarded for her skills and talents, Nekomata's capabilities make her a formidable choice for many players. Her unique attributes and the potential benefits she brings to team compositions offer various strategic advantages in gameplay.

Guide to Nekomata in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ)

Nekomata stands out as a powerful character within the Cunning Hares Faction. She excels in dealing significant damage with a variety of skills and talents. Mastering her abilities requires some practice, but her potential makes it worthwhile.

Key Attributes:

  • Faction: Cunning Hares
  • Role: Physical Attack Agent
  • Specialization: Slash damage, ATK buffs, Physical RES reduction

Nekomata's talents make her an invaluable asset in any team. For more details, explore this Nekomata guide.


Nekomata's combat skills are notable within the game. She boasts impressive base stats, making her a formidable character in battle. HP: 512, ATK: 111, DEF: 55, Impact: 100, CRIT Rate: 5%, Crit DMG: 50%, PEN Ratio: 0%, PEN: 0, and Energy Recovery: 2.

Her playstyle involves a variety of moves that can challenge opponents. Nekomata's talents are versatile, allowing her to adapt to different battle scenarios effectively. Her abilities make her a dynamic and powerful agent on the battlefield.

Basic Attacks

Feline Slash Details

Nekomata's Feline Slash consists of five sequential moves, each with distinct damage and stagger potentials. The damage multipliers for the moves are:

  • First Move: 36.3%
  • Second Move: 41.4%
  • Third Move: 48.4%
  • Fourth Move: 105.2%
  • Fifth Move: 91.1%

The corresponding stagger multipliers are:

  • First Move: 36.3%
  • Second Move: 37.3%
  • Third Move: 40.6%
  • Fourth Move: 86.5%
  • Fifth Move: 67.5%

Nekomata also has energy recovery rates for each move in the sequence, which are:

  • First Move: 1
  • Second Move: 1
  • Third Move: 1
  • Fourth Move: 2
  • Fifth Move: 2

Vermilion Sword Details

Details about Nekomata's second basic attack, Vermilion Sword, were not provided in the background information. Please check the game or official guides for precise statistics and potential advantages.

Special Assault Moves

Ambush Strike

Nekomata's Ambush Strike unleashes a swift, precision attack that catches enemies off guard. This move prioritizes delivering high physical damage and requires a significant energy expenditure to execute.

Mega Ambush Strike!

The Mega Ambush Strike! amplifies Nekomata's combat potential with a powerful burst of energy. This enhanced move deals devastating physical damage, surpassing the normal Ambush Strike, and consumes even more energy for a massive impact.


Dash Attack: Over Here!

Nekomata's ability to dash allows her to traverse the battlefield in a blink, rendering her invulnerable for the duration. When she successfully executes a dash, it strikes foes with physical force.

Dodge Counter: Phantom Claws

After evading an attack, Nekomata's swift counterattack strikes the enemy with her claws. This counter not only deals significant physical damage but also capitalizes on her agility to maintain her combat momentum.

Combination Moves

Combo Move: Razor Swipe

Nekomata can initiate the Razor Swipe by executing a precise combo. This attack inflicts significant physical damage on the opponent, making it a formidable move in her arsenal.

Ultimate Move: Slash Pound

The Slash Pound is Nekomata's ultimate move, delivering powerful physical damage with a devastating combo. It is especially effective for taking down tough enemies.

Support Move: Feline Strike

Despite being categorized as a Support Move, Feline Strike also functions as a Combo Move. This attack deals impressive physical damage, enhancing Nekomata's versatility in combat.


Nekomata boasts a range of talents that enhance her performance in Zenless Zone Zero, making her a formidable Agent in the game. Her abilities are designed to increase her effectiveness in battle and offer players a dynamic playstyle.

Nekomata's talents in Zenless Zone Zero (ZZZ):

Number Name Description
No. 1 Sharpen Claws Gain 6% CRIT chance for every enemy defeated in combat, stacking up to 30% and resetting at the end of combat.
No. 2 Backstabber Deals 30% more damage if Nekomata's EX Special Attack hits an enemy from behind.
No. 3 Cat & Mouse Nekomata's Energy recovers 20% faster when only one enemy remains in combat.
No. 4 Predator Lineage Nekomata gains 20% CRIT DMG. She receives an additional 40% CRIT DMG for 10 seconds when she kills an additional enemy with a Combo or Ultimate Attack.

These talents make Nekomata an attractive option for players who prefer a character that can consistently improve her critical damage and perform well in various combat scenarios. She is easily obtainable through the Standard Banner, known as the Star-Studded Cast Signal Search, which allows players to integrate her into their teams with ease.

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