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League of Legends Patch 14.13

League of Legends is gearing up for another significant update with Patch 14.13, which introduces key changes to the game. This patch focuses primarily on AD casters in the bot lane, shifting the spotlight from AD carries seen in Patch 14.12. The adjustments are expected to enhance the abilities of champions who excel at dealing both magic and physical damage, potentially altering the dynamics of the duo lane.

Moreover, the developers have opted for a nuanced approach to balance champions dependent on Fated Ashes items. Instead of altering the items themselves, which are currently deemed balanced, adjustments will be made to the champions that benefit most from them. Ezreal, who has seen increased play in recent patches, is anticipated to be a dominant force as these changes come into effect.

LoL patch 14.13 notes overview

Champion enhancements

Gangplank, Graves, Lee Sin, Lissandra, Miss Fortune, Orianna, Pantheon, and Xayah have received notable enhancements. These changes are anticipated to elevate their impact and presence in matches, making them stronger picks for various roles.

Champion reductions

Several champions have been downscaled in this update to balance gameplay. The affected champions include Brand, Gragas, Karthus, Kennen, Skarner, Taliyah, and Zac. This should level the playing field and mitigate their dominance.

Champion modifications

Kalista and Varus are both undergoing modifications. These changes aim to rebalance their performance, particularly in competitive scenarios. Varus is getting tweaks to ensure both his Lethality and on-hit builds remain viable without being overly powerful.

System reductions

The item Opportunity is being reduced, especially for ranged champions. This adjustment targets the disparity between Opportunity and other Lethality items, aiming to create a more balanced gameplay experience for ranged users.

System modifications

Adjustments are being made to the Domination Keystones, specifically Electrocute and Dark Harvest. Electrocute will benefit from enhanced power early in the game, while Dark Harvest will scale more effectively with stacks. Additionally, Dark Harvest's cooldown may be reduced to improve its usability during the laning phase.

Arena updates

In the Arena, specific champions are targeted for changes to ensure a balanced experience. Enhancements are set for Akali, Blitzcrank, Yone, Azir, Corki, Heimerdinger, Kai’sa, Taliyah, Kassadin, and Rek’Sai. Conversely, reductions will affect Kha’Zix, Sylas, Pyke, and Kayn to maintain equilibrium in this mode.

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