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Best Smokes on Abyss in Valorant

Valorant’s latest map, Abyss, was introduced as part of the 8.11 update, bringing fresh tactical challenges for players. This map stands out due to its potential for vertical play and unique hazards, such as the ability for players to fall to their deaths.

For those in the Controller role, mastering the best smoke spots on Abyss is crucial. Effective use of smokes can create significant pressure on opponents, whether on attack or defense, helping in gaining strategic advantages.

Optimal Smoke Spots on Abyss to Control the Battlefield

For Attackers

A Site Push

When initiating an assault on A Site, it is crucial to focus on the A Tower and A Bridge as these are key positions that defenders typically control. One effective strategy is to place a smoke on the ground at A Site upon entry. This action provides cover while planting, shielding attackers from enemies at A Tower and allowing an opportunity to clear out adversaries hiding around A Bridge.

If there is only one smoke available, placing it at A Bridge can also yield effective results. Position the smoke beside the crates to constrain defenders’ movement, making it risky for them to cross through that area.

B Site Push

An assault on B Site usually means dealing with defenders from either B Tower or B Link. To control this area, one strategic move is to smoke off B Tower, as it obstructs the direct line of sight from the enemy's perspective.

Additionally, another critical smoke placement is below B Tower near B Link. Using the crates as a guide, this smoke setup can offer more protection for attackers, potentially disorienting defenders. Leaving a slight gap in the B Link smoke may catch defenders off guard, as they attempt to exploit the minimal space between the crates.

Mid Push

Pushing through Mid can be highly contested, thus, smoking strategic points is essential. Smokes placed at Mid Top or the area between B Link and Mid Library can be highly effective, preventing snipers from making the most of open sight lines.

Should resources be limited to just one smoke, prioritizing the area between B Link and Mid Library can still be beneficial. Collaborating with multiple teammates during this push can significantly enhance the chances of a successful mid push.

For Defenders

A Site Defense

On the defensive side at A Site, placing a smoke at the A Main entrance can be highly effective. This will impede attackers‘ progress and offer a chance for defenders to stage an ambush between the A Main and A Tower entrances.

Combining this with an Initiator agent like Sova can augment the strategy, making it easier to eliminate incoming attackers.

B Site Defense

For defending B Site, focusing on B Nest and the B Main entryway is key. Smokes in these positions can provide defenders a clearer view of approaching enemies and can force attackers into the more hazardous B Danger area, increasing the chance of them falling off the map.

Mid Defense

Mid defense demands high strategic placement of smokes. One effective tactic is to place a smoke at the entryway to Mid Catwalk or between Mid Bend and Mid Bottom. This creates chokepoints, pressuring the attacking team to either retreat or engage in risky combat.

This smoke placement simplifies guarding Mid, especially for lurkers, making it a stronger defensive position.

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